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Executive Coaching

Transforming leadership and performance in Executives

Unlocking your full potential

Executive Coaching can unlock hidden potential in all professionals, helping them to maximise their performance through self-learning and setting achievable goals, by removing internal obstacles to performance and increasing responsibility to one’s own achievement.

Each coaching session converts a discussion into a decision – leading to measurable improvement in performance. New Business Methodology helps executive leaders to use their own expertise in their professional and personal lives to actualise their own potential.

Executive Coaching moves people from awareness to responsibility into action and on to results.

Take more, better and smarter action. Because you set the goals you really want.

Finding out exactly what you really want for yourself is our first task together. We help you distinguish between what you could, should, or ought to want, from what you really want for yourself. Once you create your ideal goal, you’re much more likely to naturally and consistently take action to reach it. We work with you to facilitate your professional growth.

New Business Methodology Executive Coaching with Julia Vargiu, enables leaders to:

  1. Make better decisions. Because your focus is clear.
  2. Reach for more, and achieve more. And Not Be Consumed in the process.
  3. Have a balanced life that works well. Because you designed it. Having it ALL means starting with and creating a balanced life.
  4. Be fitter and healthier and have more sustainable energy to achieve your goals.

Read more about NBM Founder and Principal, Julia Vargui here

What they say about NBM Executive Coaching

Smart, driven and flexible enough to work within your schedule. But not so flexible that Julia will let you be anything less than the best you can be.

Jeff Sanders, Managing Director, RAPP, DDB Group (now Track)

Julia is a truly inspiring person to have on your team. Part of the new wave of business people following a value set that has been forgotten in big business for too long.

Christo Everingham, Managing Director, Christois (sold to Lepaar)

We like results. We don’t like conventional. That’s why we like Julia.

Colin Jowell, Partner, Strategy, UDKU (sold to KPMG, now KPMG UDKU)

Transform the engine of your business.