Consumer sentiment and spending are down, Australia is looking likely to go into a recession and the country has endured some of the harshest isolation laws that have been enforced by the Australian government. So how can agencies and marketers even contemplate making any sort of gains as we emerge from this period?
New Business Methodology’s proven growth consultancy approach helps agencies stabilise client revenue, fill the gaps in the pipeline and find new clients, creating a growth state in the business that enables agency businesses to not only survive, but thrive.
01 Growth Matrix: Use NBM’s growth matrix formula to identify opportunities, then set a rigorous, step-by-step process to quickly identify the easiest way to get all the business you want from the clients you have now – and the clients you’re yet to secure.
02 Client CEO Thinking: Harness your agency’s brains trust to think like your clients’ CEOs. Learn how to take a bird’s eye view of the commonality of business pressures and challenges your agency can resolve for your clients in the Vaccine Economy.
03 Provocative Insights: Combining the Growth Matrix and Client CEO thinking stages, we will develop scalable and repeatable provocative insights that your current and future client C-suite will value – creating the hook that gets you in the room.
04 The $5 Item: Productise your agency’s services to make it easy for current and future clients to buy from you. Align your services to match the business metrics that are critical to your clients.
05 Lead, Don’t Wait: Get in the right (Zoom) room, with the right people. Create your agency’s roadmap to lead and grow clients. Design, and ensure you achieve, your Master Growth Plan, whatever climate you are operating in.
Christo Everingham, Managing Director, Christois (sold to Lepaar)
John Preston, Founder & CEO (now Chairman Public Media), Match Media (sold to Publicis Media, became Blue 449)
Edward Kaleel, Founder & CEO, The Marc Edward Agency (MEA)